sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Basic 떡볶이 (Ddeokbokki)

떡볶이 is a popular Korean dish found in many little street-side stands and markets throughout Korea. It may be a bit hard to find some of the ingredients in Japan, but larger supermarkets may carry them. But even my small grocery store carries the red pepper paste, so be sure to look and ask. You'd be surprised at how much you can find. Without further ado:

Makes 1 to 2 servings

떡, (ddeok/tteok) rice cake thingies. ドック in Japanese I think, small package
고추장, red pepper paste, called コチュジャン in Japanese, 1 tablespoon
고춧가루, red pepper powder, about 2 to 3 teaspoons. **This is not the shichimi tougarashi, it is pure red pepper powder without the added extras. This may be the most challenging to find.
Dashi seaweed, i.e. a nice sized piece of kelp
みりん, sweet fermented rice wine I think it’s called in English, ½ tablespoon
1 to 1 ½ cup water/broth
Soysauce, about ½ tablespoons
Carrots, cut into thin bite size slices
Onion, cut into thin slices as well
Garlic & ginger, diced up and minced
Sesame seeds and fresh herbs for garnish

In a large frying pan or medium pot, fry the onion, ginger, and garlic on medium heat until the mixture smells nice.

Add about 1 to 1 ½ cup of water or broth. Add the kelp, the red pepper paste, the mirin, and the soysauce. Mix well, then add the chili powder and mix again. Bring to a boil, remove the kelp, then add the ddeok. Keep mixing so the ddeok does not stick to the pan.

Once you add the ddeok, bring everything to a boil over medium heat. Remember to stir constantly so nothing sticks to the pan and burns. Lower the heat, add the carrots. Keep mixing the mixture as it boils on low heat. Cook like this for about 5 to 8 minutes. It’s ready once the ddeok is no longer hard and the mixture is no longer watery.

Pour the ddeok with a bit of the sauce over it into a plate. Garnish with sesame seeds and herbs. Enjoy!

Variations: Add whatever you feel like really. Some folks add scallions, some add rice noodles in addition to the ddeok. Play with the portions too and find a flavor that you like. The recipe is pretty basic and easy, so there are many possibilities.

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